Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Nerd Alert: Today's Shakespeare Reading

While attempting to get some summer homework completed before school starts next week, I came across this passage from Shakespeare's "King Henry VI, Part 2:"

"Was ever king that joyed an earthly throne
And could command no more content than I?
No sooner was I crept out of my cradle 
But I was made a king at nine months old.
Was never subject longed to be a king
As I do long and wish to be a subject."

The character of King Henry, like so many others, laments his role in life and strongly desires to instead be a subject of the kingdom rather than king. So often I hear of people today who wish to be in someone else's shoes. Have we not considered that perhaps those we wish to be also desire a change in their position? 

Today I will work on being content and grateful for the position I am in.

That's enough nerd-speak for the week. I'll stop thrusting my modern readings of Shakespeare on my family and friends (until I read another beautifully relevant passage in a few minutes :)).

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Good Morning, Brighton

I woke up this morning cursing seagulls and their sunrise cries to each other. And then I realized I was hearing seagulls because I live at the freaking beach. Baller.

This is what I opened my eyes up to:

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Meet the Captain?

Today's the big day! 
I hope my special request for a specific pilot went through...

Sunday, September 18, 2011

One Fail and One Win

Yesterday I participated in Crossfit's Fight Gone Bad, and was really happy with my performance. I finally broke 300 on this workout (306), which has been a major goal of mine for a while.

Ken for the win.

And now here I am, trying to fit my life into 2 3 suitcases.

Ken for the fail (or a no rep).

Saturday, September 3, 2011

I Have So Much To Learn!

So my professors are called tutors, just one of many English to English translations I will need to learn. Regardless of their titles, I hope they become my Sassy Gay Friends:


Thursday, September 1, 2011


As of yesterday, I am no longer a resident of Northern California. All of my things have been moved down to my parent's house in Temecula. BUT I was sent off in style with a little appreciation of America and liquor. 

My last WOD at CFSC was bittersweet. I'll truly miss this box but will be working hard to keep KI Athletics proud at my new CrossFit in England.
Hit a new max on my push press to leave the gym in style, but got my ass handed to me by my dear friends on our 400m sled pull relay... post WOD.

T-minus 20 days until I hop over the pond!