Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Nerd Alert: Today's Shakespeare Reading

While attempting to get some summer homework completed before school starts next week, I came across this passage from Shakespeare's "King Henry VI, Part 2:"

"Was ever king that joyed an earthly throne
And could command no more content than I?
No sooner was I crept out of my cradle 
But I was made a king at nine months old.
Was never subject longed to be a king
As I do long and wish to be a subject."

The character of King Henry, like so many others, laments his role in life and strongly desires to instead be a subject of the kingdom rather than king. So often I hear of people today who wish to be in someone else's shoes. Have we not considered that perhaps those we wish to be also desire a change in their position? 

Today I will work on being content and grateful for the position I am in.

That's enough nerd-speak for the week. I'll stop thrusting my modern readings of Shakespeare on my family and friends (until I read another beautifully relevant passage in a few minutes :)).

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Kenni!

    This is not "nerd-speak". (Where I come from, "nerd-speak" = -B +/- SQRT (B^2-4AC / 2A). (Jim can tell you what that is.))

    Please continue to share whatever nuggets of wisdom you extract from your studies!

    Oh, and that book I promised you is now on its way. It's not only thorough, but scholarly. And I got it signed by the author for you!
