Friday, March 16, 2012

In the depths of term papers...

Today is the last day of Spring Term, my final 'taught term' as an MA student. All work going forward is independent research for my dissertation. My papers for this term are due in a few weeks, so I've entered serious mode and buried myself in books, articles, images, and caffeinated tea.

Here is a teaser of one of my term papers... more will follow soon, so stay tuned...

'The Real John Smith: establishing his own social hierarchy in Virginia'
Sorry Pocahontas, but it's time to give the spotlight over to the writings of Captain John Smith. The narratives of his travels and trials in the New World are often overshadowed by the story of Pocahontas (whom btw he never married, his compatriot did), and I am attacking these primary sources to delve further into the unique social hierarchy he uses to describe the natives against the ever-looming British social structure he cannot help but obsess over.

1 comment:

  1. Fascinating! (And I always thought "John Smith" was the pseudonym he used whenever checking into those sleazy motels!)
